The publishing company Shogakukan announced the television anime adaptation of the Tonikaku Kawaii (Fly Me to the Moon) manga Kenjirou Hata. The anime series is scheduled for the October 2020 premiere.
After growing up being ridiculed for his strange name, Nasa Yuzaki tried to be remembered for something more. Fortunately, it seems that he is on the right path, ranked first in the nation's mock exams and preparing to enter the middle school of his choice.
However, everything changed in one night when he saw a girl across the street on his way home. Enchanted by her incredible cuteness, it was love at first sight for NASA. But in his overwhelming confusion, he failed to notice the danger approaching on the road and found himself at the door of death. Nearly alive thanks to the intervention of the girl, NASA had to be brave enough to confess her love for him, afraid that he might disappear from his life. He accepted his proposal on one condition: marriage, which Nasa gladly accepted before fainting from his injuries. However, after waking up, the girl could not be found.
After recovering from his injuries, NASA put aside his previous ambitions and dedicated his life to finding the girl who had captured his heart, but several years passed without success. But one night, when an unexpected visitor came to knock on his door, NASA found himself facing a woman who would forever change her world: his wife.
Hata began drawing romantic comedy manga on Shounen Sunday in February 2018, about ten months after ending Hayate no Gotoku! (Hayate The Combat Butler) in the same magazine. Shogakukan published the ninth volume on January 17, with the tenth volume planned for March 18 release. Tonikaku Kawaii has 1.2 million copies of cumulative volume in circulation.
VIZ Media licensed the manga in English last month and lists the first volume for release in September 2020.
Tonikaku Kawaii is ranked in the top 20 manga in the 5th Tsugi ni Kuru Manga Taisho, joint award by literary magazine Da Vinci Kadokawa and streaming platform Niconico.
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Official Twitter: @tonikawa_anime
Source: Comic Natalie, ONO Anime
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